Epoxy Specialist California

Epoxy flooring for the room of your dreams? Talk to a specialist first!

Over the 10 years we’ve been installing epoxy flooring, we’ve met lots of clients who wanted to turn their garage into a dream space. Sure, it might sound strange to most people, but in California, it’s pretty normal.

Instead of a dull, organized workshop, our clients dream of turning their garage into a fitness studio, man cave, or play space for their kids. Here are two examples that demonstrate why it’s best to contact a specialist before you get started.

When a client describes their vision for their garage, they need detailed information from an expert professional about their choice of epoxy type. That’s why, to save time and also to handle a number of other physical and technical considerations, it’s important for the client to explain their goal—who’s going to be using the epoxy floor?

In situations where they want to replace the garage with a home gym, we have to do a number of inspections ahead of time. Because the client’s home gym will be used for heavy equipment, we have to conduct a moisture test to assess the stress that moisture could create on the concrete. That lets us choose the perfect material.

If the client wants a play room for their kids, then we not only have to assess the moisture, but we’ll also offer additional advice in terms of the material that’s best to use so the surface won’t be either too rough or too slippery.

All in all, high-quality epoxy flooring is a great choice for your dream garage conversion, but always start by speaking to an expert. You tell us the “why” and we’ll take care of the “how”!